
Fighting Back Against Office Back Pain

3 Signs that You Should See a Chiropractor

Lower back pain is a primary concern for many people. One of the conventional ways to deal with back pain is taking medication to manage the pain. However, painkillers only offer a temporary solution to the pain.

It is advisable to get a diagnosis and understand the cause of your back pain before getting treatment. You might also want to visit a chiropractor clinic for alternative care through spinal adjustment. This article looks at three signs that indicate you need to see a chiropractor.

1. When the Pain Is Coming From Hard Tissues

The intensity and cause of the pain depend on the specific part of the body that is injured. Soft-tissue injuries are easy to treat, and they can heal after a few days without conventional treatment in most cases. For example, if the soft tissues on your lower back get injured when you are lifting something, it will hurt for a few days, but the muscles will often naturally repair themselves.

However, the spine and joints are hard tissue. Injuries to them last longer and are a little more challenging to treat. A chiropractor understands the difference between these two injuries. Usually, they diagnose the cause through massage and adjustment techniques. They manipulate and massage the spine until the hard tissues can heal, eliminating the back pain permanently.

2. When You Have a Pinched Nerve

Another common reason why people experience lower back pain is a pinched nerve. If a bone or spinal disc takes up the space occupied by a nerve, it becomes pinched. The pain from pinched nerves is excruciating and can make it impossible to stand, sit, and carry out other daily activities.

Other signs of pinched nerves include numbness and a sensation of needles prickling your back. A chiropractor can use gentle manipulation techniques to bring the discs back to position. They will also dislodge anything else that could be suppressing your nerves to get rid of the pain.

3. When Other Therapies Have Failed

Some therapies that people use to resolve back pain include heat, massage, and needling. If you have tried these therapies, but your lower back is still in pain, consider chiropractic treatment. Professional chiropractors utilise a combination of therapies that will give you permanent and satisfying results.

Get a consultation from a competent chiropractor about your lower back pain. The experts will give you a diagnostic test during the consultation and determine which course of treatment will work best to resolve the problem. They use natural treatment methods, eliminating the need for medications and invasive procedures. 

About Me

Fighting Back Against Office Back Pain

I have always worked on a computer in an office. I have never really given a lot of thought about how this affects my health until I started battling severe back pain. It turns out all those years hunching over a keyboard had hurt the muscles around the spine. I have since had therapy with my local chiropractor, and my blog shares my story of what I have learned from my visits with them. From exercises for back pain to better posture while working at your desk, I share what works for me in relieving the backache. I am certainly no doctor, but perhaps my experiences will help you to get help for your back pain.

